7 Apr 2009

Allocated movie seats - useful or just a pain?

Well, I went to the movies today. (And yesterday, but that's besides the point) Anyways, it started a few months ago, at the movies, when they make you choose where you want to sit in the theatre. Most people, I assume, choose to sit in the middle area, around row J. Now most of us, when they mentioned they were going to bring this in, were thinking, well, I guess it could be okay, but not entirely happy with it. But the system is flawed. Sure, it works fine when everyone sits where they're told to watch the movie, but it just takes one couple on a date to sit in the wrong row because they don't want to sit directly in front of the elderly pair in row G, and the system collapses. Three schoolgirls sit across the row because their seats are taken up by the couple on the date, and then the family of five have to find somewhere else to sit because there aren't enough seats in their row, and the schoolgirls feel bad because they made them move. What a disaster. And it's all the old people's fault. Okay, not really, it's the dating couple, but still. You get the drift.

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